Affordable Data Transfer and Recovery in Toms River, NJ

We Make Data Transfer Easy

Data transfer from one computer to another can be a daunting task, even if it seems relatively simple at first glance. Figuring out what to keep and what to leave behind, trying to remember where everything is stored and if you’ve forgotten anything. It can be a frustrating and time consuming process, but moving your data from one computer to another doesn’t have to be a hassle.

Our techs can create an exact copy of your hard drive over on your new computer, that way you never have to worry about losing your important files and programs. Or, if you’d prefer, you can select which files are most important to you. And, unless it’s malfunctioning, you can keep your old hard drive as a back up, just in case.

We can transfer:

  • programs and software
  • documents
  • pictures
  • music
  • videos
  • emails
  • account settings
  • favorites
  • and other files

Why transfer your data?

There  are many reasons why you might find yourself in need of a data transfer. Maybe you’re getting a brand new computer or device and want to transfer everything over from your old one. Or, perhaps, your computer or hard drive malfunctioned and you need a transfer to save your data.

You might need to transfer your data if:

  • you’re getting a new computer
  • your hard drive is going bad
  • your hard drive is too small
When you buy a new computer, you’re usually thinking more about performance improvements than about what you’re going to do with all of the gigs of data left behind on your old computer. While some people like to start fresh, keeping their old computer and hard drive as storage, others like to have their photos, videos, and other important files on hand and easily accessible at all times.

Your data is valuable to you. Years of photos and videos, school work, tax and/or business information could get lost in the shuffle if you’re not careful. Having your data transferred from one computer to another by professionals is the easiest, and safest, way to make sure your files aren’t lost.

Upgrading your office computers?

We can transfer the data on all of your business computers to new computers when upgrading your office. We can even securely dispose of your old hard drives if you’d like. This prevents loss of data to hackers and other individuals who might try to use it maliciously.

Solid State Drives

If you’re looking to upgrade your hard drive to a solid state drive (SSD) we can easily transfer your data as part of the installation. Solid state drives are excellent editions to any business computer, providing a speed boost that will undoubtedly increase your productivity.

Same Day Service

Depending on the amount of data you need transferred, our techs can usually move your files over to the new computer or hard drive and have your computer back to you in the same day.

If you’re interested in having your data transferred to a new computer, hard drive, or solid state drive give us a call at 732-914-8324 or click here to schedule an appointment.

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